I recently had the privilege of working with a husband and wife to complete their estate plan.  The couple was young, with a daughter who had just turned two before they came to meet with me.  Similar to many couples I work with who have children, they explained that it was the birth of their daughter that led them to want to complete their estate plan.

They brought their daughter with them when we signed their documents.  After signing their wills, health care directives and powers of attorney, there was a considerable stack of papers.  I handed the stack to the husband who held them in front of his daughter and, leaning over to look at her, said, “This is all for you.”

That one comment had more of a long-lasting impact than I believe he intended, or anticipated, it would have.  That one comment summed up the essence of why I am passionate about estate planning, and why I love working with couples who have young children.

The couple in this story came to me because they wanted to protect their daughter from potential problems that could arise should they die without a will in place.  They wanted to ensure that in the event something unexpected and/or unfortunate should happen to them, their daughter would be taken care of by individuals that they know will care for her.  They knew that without a will,  a judge may end up determining who he or she thinks would be best to raise their daughter.

Many couples start thinking about their estate plan when they have children, and at some point will take the time to meet with an attorney to get a plan in place.  They take the time and contact they attorney not for themselves, but for their children.  They schedule in meeting with an attorney to talk about theirs fear and concerns, and learn what preventative measures can be taken.  They factor the cost into their budget because they want to avoid potential worst-case scenarios – after all, many would agree that no price can be placed on planning for the safety and security of your children.

As an attorney, I most enjoy providing legal counsel and services that function to prevent bigger, more expensive, and unintended legal consequences.  Because I so strongly value planning ahead and acting preventatively, I often attract clients, like the clients in this story, who value planning ahead and having safety nets in place to protect their families and children.  Schromen Law, LLC provides confident representation in helping to plan for worst case scenarios to offer peace of mind so you can continue living for the best.

The material contained herein is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Schromen Law, LLC and the reader. The information contained herein is not offered as legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice.


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