There are numerous benefits to estate planning, but one that cannot be discounted is the peace of mind that comes with having an estate plan in place.
Regardless of the size of your estate, it is inevitable to question what will happen with your hard earned assets should something unexpected happen to you. Questions like “Who will take care of my children?” or “How will be loved ones know what to do with my stuff?” can be answered by having the proper legal documents in place.
Many of my clients come into my office because they find themselves worrying. They worry about what would happen to their children, family and home. There is worry about how much their estate might be taxed, and the probate process their children may have to go through should they die without a will. These concerns can easily cause anxiety, and keep individuals up at night – adding stress to their busy lives.
Having an estate plan in place helps lay to rest these worries and anxiety. When done correctly, an estate plan can address the questions many people find themselves worrying about. A will lets parents nominate who they would want to act as guardians of their children if they are not around or able to do so any longer. A power of attorney and health care directive grants loved ones the legal authority to make important decisions if you are unable to make them yourself – decisions may require court action or a court order without the proper legal documents in place.
One of my favorite parts of being an estate planning attorney is helping my clients to find peace of mind by planning for their estates. Time and time again, I work with clients who express that they feel so relieved after finishing their estate plan. They find relief in having the estate plan done, but also in knowing that the attorney they worked with will be there to assist their families after they die.
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