Estate planning is a crucial step to securing your assets and the well-being of your loved ones. Unfortunately, several myths persist, preventing many individuals from recognizing the importance of estate…
During the past several weeks at our firm, we’ve received several phone calls from frazzled family members. A loved one is in the hospital, sometimes even in hospice care, and…
Advanced directive, healthcare directive, living will. No matter what you call it, this document is an essential component of your estate plan (no matter your age!) and oftentimes a challenging…
When your child turns 18 and is no longer legally a minor — gulp! — estate planning can help you continue to support their spreading wings. Whether your young adult…
The Importance of Updating Your Estate Planning After Divorce A crucial matter that often goes unnoticed or forgotten amidst the complexities of divorce is updating estate planning documents. Once a…
Simple burial, cremation, or green burial? As you make estate planning decisions, it’s common — and prudent — to start discussions around your future funeral and burial, too. For centuries,…