“Single people sometimes get forgotten,” Jill Frey says when discussing estate planning. “I think a lot of times people think estate planning for single people is easier,” she adds, “but…

The Power of Cohabitation Agreements: Protecting Unmarried Couples in Minnesota In an ever-evolving landscape of relationships, more couples are choosing cohabitation as a way of sharing their lives without, or…

Avoid These 4 Mistakes When Naming Guardians for Your Children One of the hardest decisions to make when it comes to estate planning can be who to name as guardians…

When your child turns 18 and is no longer legally a minor — gulp! — estate planning can help you continue to support their spreading wings. Whether your young adult…

Estate planning is often associated with married couples, but it’s just as crucial for couples who are not married. Whether you’re cohabitating — with or without children — or sharing…

We adore pets here at Schromen Law, so when it comes to planning for your future, we don’t want you to forget about your beloved pets. While pet owners may…

The Importance of Updating Your Estate Planning After Divorce  A crucial matter that often goes unnoticed or forgotten amidst the complexities of divorce is updating estate planning documents. Once a…

I am incredibly excited to join Schromen Law, LLC. Rachel and I first met while I was attending law school. Her compassion impressed me then, and when I recently attended…

I’m so pleased to announce my arrival as Of Counsel with Schromen Law, LLC!  My background is full of twists and turns that have landed me exactly in the right…

During the initial stages of estate planning, one of the early questions you may face could be deciding between a will or a trust. Each person’s situation is unique, and…

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